GOLD: $2735.49
TSX: CCM $0.30

News Releases

President Bradford Cooke was in Suriname last week and visited the Benzdorp property for a first-hand view of the Phase 1 drilling program now underway. The following comments are his impressions from the site visit.

“On Wednesday, we arrived at Zorg and Hoop (Faith and Hope) City Airport by 7 AM for an early Cessna flight into Benzdorp only to be met by several dozen garimpeiros who also were there for charter flights into the Interior. Clearly, the gold mining business in Suriname is booming once again.

“After a 30 minute delay due to a torrential downpour, the skies cleared and 90 minutes later, we touched down at the Tibiki Island airstrip where we transferred into a dugout canoe (capacity 15) for the 10 minute ride to the Benzdorp landing. Our Canarc crews were waiting there to pick us up with two ATV’s for the 20 minute drive into camp. Canarc’s base camp is up on a hilltop a kilometre away from the main access road to the Lawa River for a couple of reasons: to capture any evening breezes that may cool down the jungle and to avoid the garimpeiro traffic along the Lawa River. We currently have about 20 men in camp (capacity 40) including 6 drillers and drill helpers.

“We immediately took a walk out to the drill which was working only 200 m from the camp. Michel, the driller/owner/operator, took a 10 minute break to talk about the rig performance and drilling conditions. Core recoveries have improved but we are clearly still losing some gold values in the more heavily fractured and mineralized quartz stockwork zones in the saprolite. The drill was working on Hole BZ03-19 and is currently averaging 2 ½ holes per week. An additional 15 holes are planned in order to complete the 3000 m Phase 1 program.

“Our review of the drill core was very interesting, because this is the first time we have seen the JQA porphyry-style mineralization in bedrock instead of saprolite. As a project geologist Wes Feaver points out, JQA is quite a “dry” hydrothermal system, low in quartz and sulphide content, and hosted by heavily fractured, diorite intrusive rocks. However, the vein and fracture stockwork is intense, containing ferro-dolomite and quartz in the veinlets and magnetite, pyrite and chalcopyrite in the veinlets and also as disseminations in the host rock.

“ It appears that every hole drilled into the JQA prospect thus far is visually mineralized, many of them from top to bottom. Assays are unfortunately backed up because both Atomic Absorption spectrometers at FILAB have broken down. We are told one unit should be repaired this week and the other replaced by next week. All in all, the drilling program is now running quite smoothly and the drill core arrays should make apparent the magnitude of this Benzdorp gold discovery by Canarc over the coming months.”

On Behalf Of The Board Of Directors
Bradford J. Cooke

For more information, please contact Gregg Wilson at tel: (604) 685-9700, fax: (604) 685-9744, email or visit our website, The TSX Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release.

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